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The Power of Imaginary Ladders


I wanted to tell you how I, like many I'm sure, was feeling quite overwhelmed today.

Generally, in my own, disorganised, neuro divergent way, I'm quite organised, managing to keep on top of most areas of my life and I'm happy with my achievements.

However, today was one of those days when the pressure was on - and it was coming from all sides.

There was the friend with four young children and a full-time job who still found the time to finish writing a novel.

The criticism that was directed at me for not understanding a work admin. process, (which was unnecessarily complicated).

The 'friend' who placed something more important to do, over keeping to our arrangement to meet up.

When these triggers occur, all these people are seemingly more important - above us on the imaginary ladder, looking down on us.

So we often try to climb higher - meet the expectations of others - try to become 'better/ more powerful than them. This poem came to me to reinstate some balance in my life. I hope it helps you too?

Invisible ladders


No need to climb to reach success,

That will forever bring you stress.

To find your peace just delve inside,

And let your spirit be your guide.


To reach great heights, don’t look above

Instead find meaning in the love

Of simpler things that mean so much,

Like kindness, a smile, a gentle touch.


Scaling ladders, will not give you

What you desire, they cloud your view.

A coveted crown, a fruitless pace,

Failure to win a pointless race.


Keep your feet on even ground,

And take a long, clear look around.

They’re just not real, those ladders you see,

Only imagined by you and me.


© Alice White, 2024

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