Reading a delightful book titled: 'Friendaholic' by Elizabeth Day, sparked my curiosity and led me to reflect on some of the different types of friends we might have.
When considering the very popular TV Sit com 'Friends', which just so happens to be celebrating the 30th anniversary of it's first broadcast, I imagine it created, particularly for people of a certain age, a picture of ideal friendship. Negotiating all the ups and downs that real friends encounter, albeit in the lifeime of friendship, not one episode, they remain friends.The programme creates a picture of security and reliability.
Today, the concept of 'friends', especially in the post-Covid era, has taken on a different significance. Social media 'friends' can be easily gained or discarded with just a click of a button.
Sustaining real, rather than virtual friendships however, can require more attention.
I recently reconnected with an old and dear friend. We had not given our friendship the nourishment our friendship deserved, and had drifted apart over the years.
Much has innevitably happened in each of our lives since then and I feel sad we were not 'there for each other' during some of that time. I'm sure there will be a lot of shared memories to mull over and much joy in agreeing this new phase of our shared friendship.